Vivid Parody
Vivid has been around in the adult industry for over 35 years now, so it’s no surprise they’ve got an extensive collection of porn parodies. It’s now part of the Adult Time family. Their parody site brings you all the sexy characters from TV series and reality shows. They don’t have the most extensive collection of parodies – there are just 25 videos, and they’re not famous or well-known. For example, they have a few episodes of Sister Wives. It follows a polygamist with his three wives who is trying to satisfy all their sexual needs.
I was expecting a more extensive collection of movies and some full-length videos like you can usually find on parody porn sites, but they never got around to it here. There are no elaborate costumes or identical actors; I hadn’t heard of many of the shows they were parodying. It’s mainly reality TV and gameshow stuff, but the Japanese pull that category off way better. If you get a membership, you won’t be able to download the videos here, but you can for the rest of Adult Time. If you purely want to watch parody porn videos, then we’ve got some other reviews of the category that will give you a lot more videos for your buck. Even so, it’s hard to compete with Adult Time for their sheer quantity and number of series.
Celebrities and TV Show Stars Fuck
They should turn their attention to making the filters better for the site. You can now organize the videos by alphabetical order, top-rated, and most recent. There are no other ways to find content apart from these and a search bar.
Even the way the videos are set out doesn’t make sense. You’ve laid them as episodes 1-4 for one series, then episodes 4-1 beneath it. The videos are a standard length of around 30 minutes, but much of the content goes as far back as 2011, so the quality will be lower than what you’re used to. Not exceptional production value, but at least when it’s not in 4K HD, you won’t be noticing all the saggy neck and wrinkles when you watch a mMILF start fucking.
A few popular categories, like Game of Thrones and superheroes, didn’t appear when I searched. Not the most incredible detail when you already get to watch so much sex in GoT but so many of the chicks there are bangable and are into incest, so that makes them perfect porn candidates. The real reason behind this is they stopped releasing any new videos. The last one was back in 2016.
- Several hundred porn parodies
- Access to the AdultTime network
- Download videos in HD
Premium Benefits
You can access the complete Adult Time network when you subscribe to Vivid. That gives you new videos every day, over 60,000 videos, exclusive content, 400 channels, and 300 series, and you can download videos if you’ve got the right subscription tier.
There’s a complimentary free trial! Unbelievable. The prosecution lasts seven days, and you can only stream and see the latest videos.
$19.95/month for streaming only
$95.40/year for streaming and downloads ($7.95/month)
✅ Huge volume of content
✅ Some unique exclusive porn parodies
✅ Great range of porn stars
✅ You get access to Adult Time when you subscribe
❌ The videos don’t parody much famous content, not Pirates or Star Wars.